You can insert the photo of any woman and will then be able to see what she looks like without clothes on after just a few seconds, while the program analyses the anatomical traits of the lady in question, always in line with its horny calculations. If you are interested in downloading this fake photo application, you may have an arm like a javelin thrower or both arms like a circus strong man, depending on whether you are ambidextrous or not. It is artificial intelligence software capable of generating naked photos of women. What’s worse that there isn’t really much legislation around these deepfakes, and creepy men online are abusing these algorithms and apps to the best of their abilities.By now you should know that the Internet is the Devil’s work and that is why we are able to come across applications like DeepNude. And the fact that the algorithm is only going to get better is worryingly crazy.

It’s fairly easy to spot that these deepfakes are not actual, real nude images, but it could still fool a lot of people. What’s infuriating about this is the fact that any creep out there can use your images to make a fake nude image of you, and then use that to blackmail you. Deepfakes simply introduced the world to fake nude images and videos but required a lot of expertise, while this new app makes things as easy as using a simple photo editor app. The app even stamps a “fake” sign to let people know that a nude is fake, but it’s very easy to crop out. The app only works with pictures of women for now, with the developer apparently planning to create a version that works with men, too.

And if you pay $99 for the premium version, you can get these fake nudes without any watermarks, reports Motherboard. The app has a free version that allows you to create deepfakes within seconds. An anonymous developer has created a new DeepNude app for Windows and Linux that lets anyone create a fake nude image of women within seconds. But that didn’t stop men from taking advantage of the algorithms.